Starting Garden Hunt And Saving Landscape Volunteers

By Kent Higgins

There is still time to hunt around your garden, salvage the stray seedlings of hardy flowers and line them out in cold frames. I particularly look for those of Cardinal-flowers, the giant lobelia, for they seem to prefer to seed in my paths rather than the beds where I want them to grow. You may want to look for seedlings of delphiniums, gaillardia, coreopsis, or any other hardy flowers that self sow here and there around your garden. Put them in the cold frame under sash and you will get an amazing amount of growth on them before things freeze up this fall.

Start Woody Plants

It seems odd this fall not to be gathering seeds of trees and shrubs for propagation meetings during November. But you can do it for yourself. Whenever you see an interesting woody plant that has some fruits on it, gather a few seeds. Some time before Christmas you can plant these. I like the system of using small pots. Fill the pot with a mixture of about one-third sand and two-thirds soil to within half an inch of the top. Remove all the pulp from the seeds and plant a dozen or two seeds to a 4 inch or 6 in pot. Cover them with a quarter inch of soil. Label them. If you want to read them next spring use a pot label and write on it with a sharpie pen.

Just put the pots on top of the ground out back of the garage, or alongside the house and forget them until next spring. Unless you interfere with Mother Nature it's almost impossible to stop the seeds from coming up next spring. After they are an inch or two high you can transplant them to a row in the vegetable garden or in a little nursery bed.

Some seeds particularly easy to grow are bittersweet, the many privets, rose of Sharon, redbud, golden-rain tree, bush honeysuckles, Chinese cork-tree, if there happen to be any in your neighborhood, and flowering dogwood. These are just a few. In the case of maples, it is better to sow these seeds immediately before they dry out. Try the magnolias and sago palm after removing the pulp but don't expect more than 25 per cent of them to come up. Try hollies after removing the pulp, but don't expect more than five per cent to come up. If you sow any of the viburnums label them well for they may not come up until the second year. You should gather some of sago palm seeds fairly soon or the birds will beat you to it. Oh yes, be sure to include the flowering crabapples and the flowering quinces. Even the butterfly bush (Buddleia) and the lilacs are surprisingly easy.

Most of these seeds must be fall sown since they require two or three months of low temperature, (that is, under 41 degrees) before they will germinate. They do not have to freeze, as we used to believe.

Stop and think which trees, which shrubs, which vines, give you the most brilliant autumn colors. Start making a list of them this fall. Among the shrubs the winged euonymus (Euonymus alatus) would probably be the winner. Among the vines the native five leaf ivy (Virginia creeper or woodbine), and the poison ivy will fight it out for first place. Among the trees, depending on the season and the particular specimen, it may be the sumac, sweet gum, the sour gum, the sugar maple, or the sour wood (Oxydendrum). If you have the space, plant some of these (any but the poison ivy) in your garden this fall for next year's enjoyment. - 30228

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Discover How To Build a Garden Structure With Easy To Follow Building Plans For Storage Sheds

By Dan Allanson

When it comes time to building that outdoor garden shed or backyard tool shed, isn't it good to know that you can find a good set of building plans for storage sheds that will guide you step by step through every aspect of construction? Finding a good set of plans for building almost any kind of outdoor structure, from tool and garden sheds to garage and barn-sized structures is not that difficult, provided you know how to look. There are a number of good websites which provide fairly detailed and comprehensive building plans for storage sheds that can show you step by step how to build almost any type of outdoor garden structure.

No matter what kind of shed or outdoor structure you are looking to build, detailed plans and step by step blueprints can be obtained online. These building plans for storage sheds cover almost every type of structure such as bicycle sheds, tools sheds and more.

No matter what you are looking for, whether it be an answer to a question or the latest purchase, the first place to turn is certainly the internet. Absolutely anything can be found in an internet search. All you have to do is type in a question, a product or anything else and in an instant you are presented with hundreds of responses. The same is true when searching for plans for building a storage shed. Hundreds or results. So how do you know which are the right plans, which are the best plans for you. I have done a lot of research and have found a woodworking and shed building guide which looks like it will show you step by step how to build amazing outdoor structures. Learn how to build outdoor wooden storage sheds and more with this expert's guide to shed building.

What does it take to build a simple outdoor wooden storage shed? Do you need to be an expert builder with extensive knowledge and understanding of woodworking? Must you have years of experience with the skills of a master? Of course not. Even a novice who is looking to build their very first shed can find success with the right set of building plans for storage shed. Different designs and a variety of sizes are available and the plans will literally take you by the hand through every step. Detailed photos, as well as illustrations and diagrams make it easy for even a beginner to build a simple shed. Some of the best woodworking advice and insider tips make construction a snap.

For those who are hesitant about building their own outdoor storage shed, there are always pre-fabricated, ready to assemble outdoor shed kits, available from the local home improvement store or online. These kits are often very expensive and still require a weekend or more of construction and assembly turning that inexpensive do it yourself project into a cost and construction nightmare. Build it yourself.

You can amaze your friends and family by building your own outdoor wooden storage shed. With a few basic tools and the right set of step by step plans, you can have that shed finished in no time. Building a shed may be easier than you think, so why not give it a try. - 30228

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The Beauty Of Daffodils And Hyacinth

By Thomas Fryd


So that they will make a strong root system plant them outdoors early. Before planting dig fine peat into the soil and apply at the same time bone meal or any good complete fertilizer. If you use manure be sure that it is old, and be sure that you dig it in deep enough that only the roots will reach it. Set the bulbs 5 to 6 inches deep, 4 to 6 inches apart.

Grow Daffodils in "drifts" which simply means in irregular masses, either large or small. This can be done by scattering the bulbs broadcast and planting where they fall. Let them fall thickly in some places, lightly elsewhere. The result will be more natural-appearing.

Daffodils shine when planted in clumps in the mixed border, along walks and in combination with single early Tulips they are especially showy. Plant some Daffodils with tulips for an effect that is startlingly bright.

Daffodils are very satisfactory grown indoors in pots. During October pot up a number of varieties. Place them in a cool dark basement; remember it must be cool, about 40 to 50 degrees; and let them root about 12 to 14 weeks before bringing to light. When planted soak well, allow to drain, and water regularly once or twice a week thereafter. The easiest way is to plunge the pot in a bucket of water and leave it there until bubbles cease. Remove, drain, and set the pots, where you have chosen to root the bulbs. The best time to water is about mid-day. When the bulbs are brought to light the temperature should not be over 60 degrees. Do not try to flower them in a room where an incubator temperature prevails. Remember, root them in a cool dark place at least 12 to 14 weeks.


Planted informally in "drifts" Hyacinths will scent the spring garden with a perfume, delicious, intoxicating, almost overpowering. They are especially valuable for bedding and for pot culture.

Plant the bulbs outdoors 4 to 6 inches deep, 6 inches apart in well-enriched loam. Sprinkle a little coarse sand at the base of each bulb for drainage. Protect during winter with a mulch of clean straw which is removed in the spring. The bulbs may be set in the garden from late September to early December. The best time however is throughout October.

Hyacinths grown in pots MUST be kept in the dark at least 12 to 14 weeks. So avoid using any outdoor lighting. Say NO to low voltage landscape lighting. It MUST be COOL where they are placed to root - cool and dark. A temperature about 50 degrees is ideal - not more. Do not let the potting soil dry out. Hyacinth roots are brittle. If they dry out the tips of the roots harden, so keep the soil nicely moist at all times. Bring the pots to light when the flower spikes have emerged above the foliage. Both the leaves and the flower bells will be almost white; they soon color up in the light. Hyacinths and other bulbs for that part, can be rooted outdoors. Plunge the pots deeply in the soil; cover with about 6 inches of light loam. In about 12 weeks bring indoors, first to a cool basement for a couple of days, then to a cool room where they will flower.

They may also be grown in special Hyacinth glasses. Fill the glass with water until the water is within 1/4 inch of the base of the bulb. Do not let the water touch the bulb. Add charcoal to the water to keep it sweet. Change the water from time to time and keep in a cool dark place at least 12 weeks. - 30228

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Daffodils Time For Digging And Reseting

By Kent Higgins

There are hundreds of Daffodils varieties to choose from, and the range of color is also extensive. Personally, I will always plant some 'King Alfreds' as an old tried and true one - introduced in 1899 in fact. 'Unsurpassable,' another large trumpet yellow, is just what its name implies, while 'Mount Hood' is hard to beat as an all white. For the real specialist, there are all the various species kinds. Many cities have clubs that specialize in growing all kinds for an educational display at spring shows. Plant now so that the bulbs may become established before extremely cold weather sets in.

This group of bulbs may be used in front of, or as a part of, the perennial border as facing-down plantings in front of shrubs; in rock gardens; in beds; or naturalized. In fact, they seem to grow and produce flowers with very little effort just about anywhere. When flowers decrease in size and number, it is usually time to dig and reset. October is also the month for this. In replanting, follow the same procedure as for planting new bulbs.

Tulips - These beautiful flowers have a fabulous history that is paralleled by few garden flowers like aechmea fasciata. They have even provided food in times of depression for certain peoples of the world. Generally speaking, the tulips are planted in about the same manner as the narcissus and aechmea fasciata. However, a sand cushion under the bulbs will insure less loss by rotting.

In planting, mass colors are usually more effective. In planting beds for mass color, remove all the soil to the desired depth and place the bulbs on even spacing, usually four to six inches. Then fill in the soil around and over them. An inch of sand over the planting area as a cushion before placing the bulbs will eliminate air spaces under them and insure good root development for the bulbs.

A simple method to get uniform spacing of bulbs is to use an inverted flower pot as a marker for spaces. All gardeners have their favorites. - 30228

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Making Distance In The Small Landscape

By Marshall Clewis

The sense of distance in the landscape used to be created by walking from place to place in the garden. In small gardens we get the whole effect sitting on the patio.

Here a sense of distance is achieved by using low, angular designs of green ground-covers or masses of color from spring bulbs or annual bedding plants. Using plants with coarse foliage close at hand and others with progressively finer foliage beyond them also gives an illusion of distance.

The old practices of clipping' hedges in rectangular forms and planting mop-headed trees are returning. The flat surfaces and smooth texture of closely clipped foliage match the rectangular wall areas, and the pleached trees provide shade where we sit.

Many of the modern ideas came from California and do not fit our climate and living conditions. We cannot use our gardens in winter if you live up north, so do not need a separate set of shade trees to take care of the different angle of shadows during winter. We can grow good turf, so do not need to substitute such broad areas of mosaic paving or redwood plank. What we need is not to copy but to develop a style that fits our buildings, our climate and our customs.

We need evergreen hedges because they clip well and relieve the monotony of winter white. We need to use a variety of small, flowering trees and shrubs like the North Carolina's flowering trees. We should learn to use ground covers on banks and in other areas where grass is difficult to cut; these also match our low houses. We need enough color for cheer, but not the garish' confusion of color that causes strain. We need the grace and relaxation of nature ordered to fit our small properties, just as the Persians did.

The qualities that make for good design do not change so long as we stick to the sound principle of meeting our needs. The change in our social structure has made it possible for more people to live in greater comfort; this, in turn, has changed the function to which we can put the land at our disposal. - 30228

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Skidsteer And Attachment Compatibility

By George Ross

The primary function of a skidsteer is a power source to run a wide variety of functions depending on the attachments affixed to it. This means that performance of the rig is measured using different criteria.

A purchaser needs to understand these various factors that he needs to consider before picking a choice. The work that needs to be accomplished is a very important consideration. The buyer must check specs of larger and smaller models from the same company as well as competing brands. It is a good idea to compare heights, hydraulic pressure and angles, and engine power as well to name just a few.

There is a specific level of performance needed from a carriers hydraulic system especially by hydraulically powered attachments. Skidsteers usually have range of hydraulic flows and pressures. The right loader you pick should be able to provide the flow and pressure that fall within the range you specifically need.

Hydraulic horsepower is also very important. It determines the capability of a rig. If the power is inadequate, it follows that performance will be far from par. Poor performance from your loader can even damage both the loader and the attachment.

One of the vital factors in establishing compatibility is your loader's lifting capacity. You have to make sure that it is powerful enough to carry the attachment safely around the work area on all four wheels.

Not all attachments are compatible with any make of skidsteers. Always check manufacturer specifications to prevent voiding of the warranty. Find out if the company allows the attachment before installing any conversion kit.

Heat can greatly affect the performance of any hydraulic system. Make sure your rig will be able to withstand the heat generated by your attachment. Note that some manufacturers offer optional oil cooling packages.

Skidsteers are used as a power source for attachments that provide a specific purpose. To ensure optimum performance and utilization, be on the lookout for the right carrier at all times. - 30228

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Proper Landscape Planning

By Marshall Clewis

The average homeowner today buys his house from a building contractor. The house is already placed on a rectangular lot and the contractor usually does the rough grading of the lot and perhaps sods the front.

If a few details can be considered before the house is begun, it will help to create a more pleasant property. The most important are the shape of the lot, the direction that the house faces on it, the grade relationship between the house and the street, and the location of trees, if any.

Choosing the Lot

A corner lot may be considered a position of importance, yet it leaves most of the property exposed to one street or the other with little opportunity for privacy. There is also more lawn to cut, for the benefit of the neighbors. The same applies to a lot that is wide in the front and narrower in the back. From a garden point of view, it is better to have a lot that is narrow in front and wider or irregular in shape in the rear.

Dividing the Property

Before buying garden materials like selective weed killers or starting to construct your garden, try to think out your needs and plan carefully. The smaller the property, the greater the need for careful planning and starting it by getting rid of weeds.

What Do You Want?

First, you must think of the things you want to do on your property and then arrange the space accordingly. If the family likes gardening there must be ample space for flowers, even at the expense of lawn. If outdoor games are popular, then open space will predominate. But if your preference is for reading or tea, paved areas for chairs and tables will take the place of lawn, and shrubs will replace flower borders as they require less attention. Do you want a kitchen garden, space to hang clothes, or a play area for the children? Decide how you can best use all of your property to make family life more complete. - 30228

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4 Factors For Successful Landscapes

By Marshall Clewis

The smallest garden, no less than the elaborate estate, represents the results of the combination of four basic factors. They are: (1) the materials of gardening; (2) the means; (3) the methods; and (4) the background. These four factors, as well as the all-important human element.

Materials - These are, first of all, the plants that make gardens; and, second, the soil in which they grow. In the plant articles, the objective has been to describe each subject, then to give simple cultural directions, and finally to list and describe briefly the more important and promising kinds available and especially suitable in gardens.

When looking for any plant (or a genus) always look for the correct botanical name. Sometimes botanical and common names are the same, as Chrysanthemum or Zinnia. Sometimes a plant has a botanical name and also two or more common names.

Means to Gardening are the implements, accessories and aids with which plants are grown and gardens are made and cared for: tools, fertilizers, spray materials, hotbeds in fact, all objects that are neither plants nor parts of the soil. All these subjects should be studied in connection with the cultural notes on the various plants, and other articles covering the plant care factors.

Methods, which include all details of design and planning; construction and planting; and maintenance, or culture and protection. To get the most out of this information, you may have to consult several items in order to gain complete understanding of a certain subject just like caring african violet. For information on pruning a rosebush of about african violet, for example, consult not only the directions under rose, but also separate articles on pruning, shrubs, shears, etc., as well as the Garden Know-How articles. This is especially true in the case of plant enemies and their control.

Background is, of course, what all gardens furnish for the lives of those who live in them or view them. But we mean the relation of individual plants and gardens to one another, and to things outside them. It includes elementary facts about the natural sciences which underlie plant growth; it touches theories and principles, and the agencies and institutions from or through which gardeners can obtain information and help. It is that which gives to garden work a larger outlook, a broader horizon, more vision than are associated with mere manual labor. - 30228

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Today's Tips for Interior Design

By Dirk Williams

Who does not want to go to a wonderfully decorated home after a hard day of work? The mere thought of waking up on a Sunday morning and walking through a hallway that has been meticulously decorated, on your way to the kitchen to grab a fresh hot cup of coffee, even if living in a small rental apartment, is everybody's dream. Unfortunately, not everyone has a flare for interior design. Not everyone is good at picking out just the right type of home decor which will look amazing and not clash with anything else that they own.

Making sure that it does not end up looking like a nightmare in the end, is probably what scares people the most when it comes to do it your self interior design. It is true that not everyone can afford a fabulous interior designer who can easily make the magic happen for them. But one must not despair or give up on the idea of shopping for some affordable home decor and doing some interior design of their own.

The first thing that someone could do is pick up at least six magazines which show different types of home decor and interior design. This will give anyone a great idea as to what style they like the best. Once a few designs have been chosen, then finding a way to start eliminating a few is great idea, in order to end up with the one you really like. Perhaps eliminating those which have home decor that would ultimately prove to be overly expensive, or even eliminating some interior designs which look too complicated, should help with the selection process.

The most important thing is, that regardless of the interior design which is chosen, one must be able to imagine themselves in that environment in a way of both enjoyment and delight. Next comes the fun part for most, which is the shopping. Keep in mind that everything does not have to be done at once and when it comes to decorating, the first thing to do is paint a room. Painting a room opens the door for any future home decor of your liking and gives a room an immediate face lift!

While shopping for home decor, make sure to try and match the pieces found in the picture of the room you chose as your interior design guide. Hunting for bargains and similar items, even if not exactly the same as the one in the picture is ok, as long as the size, scale and colour remains the same. Concentrating on a corner, or one single space of the room to start your interior design, is not a bad idea, especially if on a budget. By following these simple decorating tricks, anyone can make their house or apartment look amazing! - 30228

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Welcoming Visitors - The Driveway Landscape

By Marshall Clewis

Have you ever stepped across the street from your house and gave it a close examination of what your visitors, guest and those who drive by see when they look at the message your landscape and garden gives? Does your entrance say - Welcome or chaos is happening here?

Driveway and Entrance

Besides presenting an attractive picture of the house, you want to create an atmosphere of welcome for your visitors. This was carried out beautifully in English cottage gardens.

The driveway is the first step, since most people travel by car. The semicircle so popular on large properties wastes a lot of space and seldom gives a good view of the house. It is usually best to have the driveway straight to the garage, if possible, with a wide bay for parking. A driveway should be at least 18 feet wide, to allow cars to pass easily, and the turns should have an inside radius of 18 feet.

The position of the driveway, parking area and a good lawn that are added with peat moss lawn often makes the approach to the house from one side rather than the front. This gives you a chance to have a welcoming, attractive entrance court or patio at the front of the house, as well as a pleasant view from inside.

Your entrance court does not have to be elaborate as the one shown. For example, if the house faces south or west, you probably will have trees to shade the front windows. In addition to framing the house, the branches overhead give a sense of enclosure. Between the driveway and the court you might have a paved area with a seat or some other feature to focus attention before turning toward the house. Then you could have a low hedge, to define the court, and a few outstanding plants for color. An interesting entrance like this makes your guests feel they have been welcomed before they even knock on the door. - 30228

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Installing Landscape Lighting

By Melody Roth

If you are looking for a simple way to extend the time that you spend in your outside spaces, there's good news. You can actually attain this with some simple outdoor lighting that will brighten and liven up your pathways, stairs, trees, patio devices, architectural components, waterfalls, and decks.

Landscape lighting has three main components: light fixtures, a transformer, and low-voltage electrical cable. The transformer must be plugged into an outdoor GFCI electrical outlet fitted with a while in use cover. These are cheap, simple to install, and can be obtained from The local hardware store. The transformer allows you to weaken the 120 volt electricity to a safe, functional 12 V system that we will be using. First, you must verify the areas that you wish to light and the effect you would like to achieve. Each light fixture is different.

The starting step is to lay out the components.Arrange the path lights along the walkway you are lighting. Then take the low-voltage wire and string it along the lights and up to the transformer, going under or around any obstacles you may encounter such as trees or shrubs. Leave the cable loose as we will be encircling each fixture with a small loop of wire before burying it. Your first light should be at least 10 feet from your transformer.

The second step is to dig the trench. You need to use the edge of the flat-blade spade to make a ditch about three ins deep where the wiring will lay. If you don't want the dirt to tumble back in the best thing to do is to place something heavy over it.

Your third step is to bury the wire. Place the right gauge of low voltage cable into the fresh dug ditch and remember to leave it some slack. Also make sure that you create a hole in the grass to stick the wire up into.

Making holes for the fixtures is the fourth step. Make sure that you set your lights into the right spot so that they are equally spread out. Don't use a hammer to drive the light fixtures in, instead use stakes to drive them in.

Your fifth step is to cable The lights. Each brandmark of fixtures is different so consult your instructions enclosed with your brand of fixtures. But with most, you take the connector at the base of each light and slip it around the electrical wire until you hear a snap. In order to make a stronger connection you can also bypass this connection altogether, splitting the wire and wiring it with wire nuts as you would a traditional light fixture. If you choose to do this, make sure you seal the wire nuts with silicone to keep them waterproof. After wiring all the fixtures, push the fixture and its attached stake, firmly into the holes that you made earlier for them. Tuck the connector and cable at least two ins into the ground and make sure the stake is flush with the grass. The sixth step is to plug in the transformer. Strip the wires from the ends of the electrical wire you have placed near the transformer. The transformer needs to either be mounted to a post or directly to the house. Insert the wires into the terminals at the base of the transformer after it is mounted. Turn it on and, if you have done everything correctly, you should see the fixtures light up. If problems do occur, think to check that the light bulbs are inserted correctly and working before assuming you have a faulty transformer. Once all the lights are working properly, tuck the grass around the fixtures, pressing it down firmly all along the trench. Water the trench well.

And finally it's time to enjoy the hard work. Anyone can enhance their night-time curb appeal with attractive, functional landscape lighting with a little hard work and advance preparation. low voltage lighting requires very little maintenance. Just remember to change the light bulbs shortly after they go out or you will shorten the life of the remainder of bulbs. Other than that, just sit back and enjoy a job well done! - 30228

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About Swimming Pool Landscaping

By Marie Swilley

Swimming Pool Landscaping for either a residential or commercial application for a swimming pool should be carefully planned, designed, and constructed in order to provide a high-value and be visually stimulating. You should have an enjoyable experience while using the swimming pool.

Many successful landscape applications for swimming pools are provided by professional landscape architects but a homeowner or commercial property owner can produce their own flourishing landscape with a little research, time, and effort.

Landscaping applications for swimming pool landscaping will typically emphasize specific plant types. It is important to focus on trees, shrubs, and grasses that are habitable to a specific location.

Vegetation and plants that can survive and thrive in a specific location should be selected for sustainability purposes. Successful landscape applications flourish due to the plants ability to grow and live in a specific environment. This is typically based upon climate, rainfall amount, sunlight, and soil parameters. Since the designer cannot control many of these elements, it is important to select plant material that will successfully grow given these elements of the application.

Plant selection guides are available in hard copy, audio, and online. They can help the designer select the best material for your landscaping project.

Successful landscape applications include a variety of trees, shrubs, and grasses, typically native or adaptable to the application. Plant selection should include material that is visually pleasing, and can also be functional. Typical plant functions not only include visual purposes, but also direct pedestrian traffic and have screening purposes. Specific plant material can be located to perform these useful functions.

Other types of applications for swimming pool landscaping include fencing, patios, and furniture. While these elements are important and can add value to your landscape design, the focus of any application should always be on your plant material.

Usually, several designs are chosen to provide different ideas. Once a final design is completed, construction and installation can begin. This can be done either by professional landscaping designers or by the homeowner. - 30228

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Live Oaks Improve Home Values

By Jimmy Gray

With today's changing economy, many families are choosing to stay at home with their family alternatively of going on expensive vacations. Wisely, they are spending more money on their home, to enhance their living environment and amplify their investment. The new word is "staycations". Families are devising improvements to their home and landscaping in order to maximize their staycation enjoyment.

According to a 1998 University of Florida study, landscaping plays a large role in the resale of property. The account states that homes with mature trees and added landscape gardening color sold quicker. A accounting of the study by The Associated Landscape gardening Contractors of America states, that a beautifully landscaped yard with mature trees will develop a Hundred to 200% return on investment. In the South, when people think of mature trees they ordinarily think of cascading Live Oak trees, covered with moss, in parks and lining city streets.

If you are a homeowner in the southern United States considering adding mature trees to enhance your property, you?re in all likelihood thinking about live oaks. Now you must deliberate about which size of live oak; how to recognize high quality live oaks; and where to make your purchase and how to care for the trees you choose.

Southern Pride Tree Farm located in Bell Florida, specializes in large high quality Live Oaks. Since 1990 Southern Pride has worked with homeowners, landscapers, developers and cities to recognise and select high calibre trees. Their website emphasizes the importance of proper transport and gives first-class advice about planting and care.

All Southern Pride trees are field grown which establish in the landscape faster compared to container grown trees: Southern Pride Tree Farm does not hurry the growing of their trees; root pruning allows for strong, solid root systems and curing or hardening off means that the trees are dug in winter months while inactive and show new root development before sending to a customer. Above the ground, proper pruning of trees during the early growth stages is a priority to get rid of weak branches so the older branches as the tree grows are the strongest branches of the tree. These are a few significant considerations when choosing where you will buy your Live Oak trees.

Southern Pride Tree Farm grows three varieties of Live Oak trees, each with very decided characteristics: The Highrise live oak is the perfect option when space is limited; The Cathedral live oak tree is more of a dense shade tree and oftentimes utilized for privacy; and, The Standard live Oak is wonderful for the natural southern landscape with tall or sprawling landscape designs.

Unique for a wholesale tree nursery, Southern Pride also sells to individuals. For years Southern Pride Tree Farm has offered the same wholesale pricing to homeowners that landscapers, developers and cities receive when buying trees and greater discounts for bigger quantities. Whether you are a homeowner searching for one focal tree or multiple trees to line your property, Southern Pride Tree Farm will hand pick your tree, or trees, send you pictures prior to purchasing, and make arrangements for shipping. In addition, they always provide installation and care instructions.

The oldest known southern live oak tree in the United States is in a park outside of Charleston South Carolina and estimated to be over 1,400 years old. - 30228

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Tips On Buying Greenhouse Windows

By Bill Rowe

If you would like to have a greenhouse that is successful, remember that the windows you choose for your greenhouse will be important. Your greenhouse windows will heavily modify your management of the greenhouse energy. You don't want to end up that all your hard work maintaining your greenhouse and the plants inside it was for nothing, so you must select windows that are strongly constructed and made with the correct material.

Be sure that you do not leave any gaps between the window frames. If the windows have gaps, they can release warm or cold air. You may end up with dead plants or crops if cold or freezing air comes in. Windows should be fitted carefully for this reason. Surely, this goes against the purpose of us building the greenhouse!

Choices In Selecting Greenhouse Windows

The greenhouse kit that you have selected will probably include greenhouse windows. Building materials to build your greenhouse should be included, along with structures to support your greenhouse.

If you want to have a larger greenhouse, or one that is built to resist adverse conditions, a good idea is to purchase your windows from a greenhouse manufacturer. If at all possible, go in person to the location of the company to inspect their items, and have a representative answer your questions to help you to decide on which ones are proper for your needs.

You can shop for your greenhouse windows yourself, especially if you want to save more money and are the type of person who likes to do things yourself. Freedom to carry out your own design and customization will come if you do this. If you choose to buy new windows there are suppliers, or you may choose to try to find recycled windows checking salvage yards.

The method you choose should have proper fit. It is not a good idea to presume that your purchased kit or prefabricated model will be perfect. It is important for you to take the time to inspect your windows and frames to be sure that they stand up to your expectations. - 30228

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How to Keep Your Lawn Look Good by Mowing Less

By Kenneth Raggerty

Having a great and beautifully manicured lawn generally means you have to spend a lot of time on it. That includes some mowing and doing some pruning and modifications on the hedges. But wouldn't it be wonderful if you can cut the amount of mowing required?

If you opt not to mow your lawn as frequently as you did before, the most obvious result is that the grass would grow a bit longer. Say the lawn would grow around two inches instead of one before you mow them down. There is no significant difference in height and you will decrease your mowing time around 50%.

Another good thing about letting your grass grow is that the roots also go deeper into the soil. This helps in keeping the grass healthy since it is getting more nutrients from the soil. Healthier grass in turn are more beautiful and easy to maintain.

A useful tip you can also use in trimming your mowing time can be found in the blades of your mower. Always mow the lawn with sharp mower blades. Not only do you cut the grass efficiently, there would be no need to mow the lawn for the second time. With sharp mower blades, there will be no need for you to manually pull out the grass that the mower passed, saving your energy as well as your time.

Grass varieties also play a role in the overall maintenance of your lawn. Grass that thrive in your geographical area are much easier to maintain than those that aren't. In contrast, grass types that are not native to the area or do not suit well with the weather takes more than the usual maintenance care from you.

Lastly, you must not overwater your lawn and remember to keep the soil ventilated. Overwatering delay the growth of the roots and lack of ventilation renders the soil unhealthy. As mentioned earlier, deeper roots mean healthy grass. Ventilation, on the other hand, keeps the moisture in the soil, which helps in keeping the grass healthy. Proper soil ventilation also decreases the need to water your lawn every now and then.

Less mowing does not equate to unattractive lawns. You just need to follow the tips mentioned in this article and you'll be surprised of how much time you have in your hands. With less time spent on mowing you have more time to spend on doing something else. In that sense, you'll be more productive in the process. - 30228

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Stihl Chainsaws - A Cut Above The Rest

By George Ross

Among the few leaders in chainsaw technology today, Stihl chainsaws are among the most coveted. It is the leader in the field of large wood cutting machinery. They are the epitome of old world craftsmanship and state of the art sawing technology.

The firm stays on an extremely strict set of selling policies. The equipment are only sold at locations where service can be performed according to factory specifications. Trained specialists in Stihl premium technology are always present to assist you and will go as far as providing demonstrations as to the correct usage and operation.

Stihl saws are a big help not only in large wood cutting but outdoor decorating as well. Among the rising outdoor fashion these days is chainsaw carving. It is slowly gathering up enthusiasts, and it is an art that has been perfected by some artists already. You can use a chainsaw in hollowing out a tree trunk and using it for your landscape.

The Stihl Company was founded by Andreas Stihl in Stuttgart, Germany in 1926. He started the plant to develop electric saws. It didn't take long for them to develop the electric bucksaw. It was also them that built the first gasoline powered chainsaw.

Among the many advantages of a Stihl chainsaw are innovative features like a smooth clean design without any rough edges that might snag clothing. There is also a chain catcher to eliminate the chance of an injury in case a chain breaks or derails. An anti vibration feature is also added to reduce fatigue for the user.

Starting is so much faster and easier with the chainsaw's electronic ignition. Bumper spikes are added to provide for better control. The front hand guard effectively eliminates accidental injury.

Prices of a Stihl chainsaw may vary according to size and added features. If the work requires a heavier tool with more capabilities, the price may rise with it as well. The saws are very fairly priced though, making Stihl chainsaws one of the biggest selling items in the market today.

When out looking for a tool to do the job right, it is best to rely on a name that symbolizes technology and reliability. It wouldn't hurt to go for a name that has been proven to be a provider of excellent service for many decades like the Stihl Chainsaw. - 30228

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Garden Guide For October Landscape And Garden

By Marshall Clewis

In Northern United States and Canada

After a killing frost there will be much clean-up work to do. In addition to collecting fallen leaves, and their transfer to the compost heap, the gardener will need to gather together such trash as Dahlia tops, Corn stalks and the stems and foliage of frost-killed perennials and annuals. Destroy any of this material that is known to harbor soil-borne pests and diseases. Put all the rest onto the compost pile.

The lifting of Summer bulbs that were not dug last month should not be delayed. Tuberous Begonias and Gladioli may be lifted before killing frost, all other kinds immediately following. Prepare areas for planting trees and shrubs and proceed with planting bulbs, except Tulips, as fast they can be obtained. Toward the end of the month, or even earlier in the northern parts of the region, you may plant deciduous trees and shrubs.

Remove garden furniture to its Winter storage quarters. Clean, oil and put away for Winter all tools and implements as their season's usefulness ends. Mound soil around the bases of Roses to provide Winter protection, but don't do this until as late as possible before the ground freezes to a depth that makes the job impracticable to do. Rest Christmas Cacti during this month and the early part of next by withholding water and allowing the soil to become quite dry.

In the South

There is still time to sow Rye Grass lawns. Cuttings of Camellias and other evergreens planted in a mixture of peat moss and sand in a greenhouse or cold frame give good results if taken now. Except in the lower South, where they should be fertilized once more, cease feeding Roses.

Dig roots of Whitloof Chicory, plant them closely together in boxes of sand or sandy soil and place them in a cool cellar or coldframe until they are needed for forcing. Lift Celery and plant it closely together in a coldframe. Water it well and shade it to keep it dark. Protect the frame from severe cold by covering them. Rake leaves from lawns before they mat down, and exclude air and light. At the last mowing cut the grass at a height of two inches, not lower. Mulch the soil around Boxwood and other evergreens with a layer three or four inches thick of compost, well rotted manure, peat moss or similar protective material.

Install guards of small-mesh wire netting around trunks of young trees to prevent rabbits from girdling the bark during winter. Where Amaryllis are grown outdoors October is a good time to lift, separate and replant bulbs that are crowded. It is not necessary to cut back their foliage. Plant late Winter and Spring-flowering bulbs of all kinds.

If dry weather prevails be sure to water well Azaleas, Camellias and other evergreens. Clean off the tops of perennials that are through blooming. Burn the debris if it carries soil-borne diseases or pests, otherwise consign it to the compost heap. This is an excellent time to lift, divide and replant old perennials and to plant new ones. In the deep South sow seeds of hardy annuals, Kinds to sow include Calendulas, Sweet Alyssum, Larkspurs, Lupines, Petunias, Stocks and Snapdragons.

On the West Coast

This is the ideal time to sow new lawns and to recondition old ones. This means grass lawns. Lawns of Dichondra should not be planted until Spring. Spring-flowering bulbs, such as Narcissi, Crocus, Anemones, Ranunculus, Hyacinths, four o'clock, Spanish Irises, Dutch Iris, English Iris, Oxalis and, where they are hardy, Freesias, Watsonias, Lachenalias, Ixias and Babianas, may now be planted. For now, i am planting four o'clock flowers in my garden.

Lift and store for the Winter Summer-flowering bulbs and tubers that go dormant at this season. Here belong Tuberous Begonias, Caladiums and Gladioli. Bulbs of Lilies may be planted this month. Lift, divide and reset perennials. Plant new perennials. Set out young plants of Snapdragons, Pansies, Cineraries and other annuals. - 30228

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Selections for Garden Sheds Online

By Greg Sonnyside

Garden sheds are traditionally used to stock garden and household utensils plus other household items, but many homeowners have found other purposes for it. It could be used as a workshop for crafting or construction work, since some activities can be quite messy and they are better finished outside the home. If the shed is wide enough, it may as well suffice every bit a point of rest where you can spend time studying ledgers or simply thinking about things.

There are numerous various types of back garden sheds for you to select from, also the choices start from plain open sided sheds with tin roofs to showy sheds with wood surround frames and shingled roofs. Before you settle on which type of shed you want to buy, you have to take certain things into account, and these take in the size of your garden, the purpose of the shed, and of course, your budget.

If you do not wish to spend too much on the garden shed, you can opt for simpler designs. The most standard structure is a small shed with a couple of windows and a door, and such a shed is normally very dirt cheap. It may come in a DIY bundle or it may perhaps require a professional installation. If you decide to construct the garden shed yourself, it will be much cheaper. Three sided or open sided sheds are also inexpensive, but they do not provide complete privacy and guard from weather elements.

Garden sheds are also obtainable in different materials. The most standard material used for building garden sheds is wood, and wood can be expensive or reasonable, looking on which type you choose. Metal is normally less expensive, and it can last for a very long time. Other choices include plastic and vinyl, which are very inexpensive too, but they are also not as long lasting as wood and metal. Wood is the most common selection among house-holders because it has a definitive look also it provides complete insulation against extreme temperature.

If space is limited in your back garden to build a shed, you can either choose a corner shed or an upright shed. A corner shed will help you preserve a lot of space, since it can fit neatly in a corner of your back garden. It requires a minimum area of 3 feet by 2 feet, but you may get a larger one if there is enough space in your garden. An upright shed is taller, but it has a limited base area, which is normally 4 foot by 3 foot. You can put in shelves in the shed to create more storage space. Other alternatives that you can consider are the Gambrel-style garden shed, which is similar to a saltbox-style, and Dutch barn shed.

Owning a shed will make your gardening know-how a lot more gratifying and convenient. You will not only have a convenient spot to stack away your gardening tools but also you will have a workshop to do many DIY activities and a great place for relaxation as well. - 30228

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How to Find the Best Fence Contractor

By Eric Coon

How Long Has the Company Been in Business Starts are fine, but where did they come from? Do they have a lot of experience? Did they recently break off from an established contractor and why? You want to look for a contractor who can convey true expert knowledge to you.

Check with the BBB Do they respond to complaints? This is not foolproof, but it is a safe way to get a general feel for the contractor. There are too many people working out of their garages and calling themselves professionals. These mico businesses will not offer the reliability of completing future repairs. The BBB will let you know who is reputable, and who is not.

Check References Ask to see recently installed jobs to make sure you like the style of installation. Not all fence contractors do jobs in the same way. Talking to past customers is a great idea. They can give you an even better idea about the people you are hiring than the BBB can. Ask about the character of the workers, their reliability, and their integrity. Bob Rosen of Rob Ryan Inc. hired Rolen Brothers to install a fence on his commercial property. I couldnt ask for a better crew of men and women, he said. In all sincerity, the fence looks dynamic.

Are they are licensed and insured? You could be held liable for any accidents and or injuries that occur on your property.

You Want A Fence Installation Specialist A contractor who is too broad may lack the expertise needed to give you the best installation and service that you deserve and desire.

Choose a fence company that trains their own staff and does not use subs This will lead to workers with more expertise and loyalty. Additionally, there will be better communication ob the job at hand and more rapid progress in completing the installation. Sub-contracted workers work at their own convenience or on many jobs at once making their work less reliable than in-house staff employees. Rolen Brothers does not sub-contract. They have their own team of fence installation specialists.

Inquire about installation procedure Will the installer dig the right size hole? Here are the typical measurements: 6" - 8" diameter hole for chainlink fencing; 8" - 10" diameter hole for wood fencing; and 10" - 12" diameter hole for vinyl fencing. Most cities have inspections for the depth of post holes only.

Have a good idea of the type of fence you want then request a quote. Remember, you get what you pay for most of the time, so the lowest quote is not always the one you should pick.

ask about the payment procedure. Fence contrators usually ask for a down payment, usually 25% to 33% of total quote. That not only pays for a portion of the materials but it lets the contractor know you want him to do the work. If you feel uncomfortable about giving any contractor a down payment, then you probably should keep looking until you feel safe with your choice. - 30228

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Best Practices for Making Floors Look Great

By Dirk Williams

Beautiful carpet is something that can be enjoyed for many years and there is a lot to be said for the plush fibers that allow many days and nights of resting on the floor or rolling around with your kids having a great time.

Over time though, those carpet fibers wear down and your once beautiful carpet can lose its plush feel and also the clean appearance it once had. In high traffic areas such as entry ways and exits or rooms that are used frequently such as the living area or family room can see the most of this wear and can start to look rather drab. There are also home owners who have nothing but hardwood flooring and even those hardwood floors are prone to high traffic breakdown.

One of the best ways to solve a high traffic floor problem and to be able to maintain the beautiful appearance of your floors is to purchase a few area rugs for these high traffic areas. Sometimes, we also view the floor as a decorative piece and an area rug can add an excellent accent piece to the ambiance of any room.

Selecting a rug is not just as simple as going into a store and seeing a rug that is not hideous and buy it. There are several things you should consider when you are looking to purchase an area rug and the following are some of the more popular examples of the type of rugs that you should consider when looking to purchase an area rug or two.

Depending on the room you are planning on placing the rug in and your budget, this can be a fairly easy choice as long as you take your time and look at all of the different styles that are available to you. One style would be a faded oriental rug that you can purchase at an almost any furniture store because they usually use these rugs as part of their displays as well, and there is typically nothing in a furniture store that is not for sale. If you state that you are interested in a rug, most places will sell it to you. The faded type of Oriental rug will add class to just about any room, but make sure it does not class with the room decor, for example if you have an English country room, you would not want to put an oriental rug in there because it does not stick with the theme of the room.

Another good rug would be one that has a floral design that is hooked for a more Victorian type of room or a more antique room, maybe even an old-world style of room. There are so many different floral designs to choose from and it would be difficult to not be able to at least find one that will go with just about any decor that is in this style.

Another good place for this type of rug would be in a breakfast nook or on most dining room tiles or hardwood floors. Typically, these rooms have a bland color on the floor and adding a floral area rug will give the room a very welcoming feel. - 30228

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Buying Guide for Overlap Garden Sheds

By Spencer Wilkins

There are several reasons why people choose to install a shed in their gardens these days. For some people they will use theirs to free up space in their garage. Whilst others will use their overlap garden sheds as an area to work in, whether it be on the garden or as a home office. But whatever their reason is for installing a shed in their garden they need to take a number of things into consideration. Below are some of the things that you should be taking into consideration before you build your own overlap garden shed.

Consideration 1 " Why Do You Want To Build A Shed?

By deciding on what you will be using your shed for you can then choose the size and style of shed to be built along with where in the garden it will be placed. If for example the overlap garden shed is to be used as a home office you need one that will easily provide space for you and your equipment and also has enough windows in it to allow plenty of natural light into the room.

Consideration 2 " How Much Space Have You Available?

Before you purchase your overlap garden shed you need to look at what space you have available in your garden to house it. If space is limited large overlap garden sheds with double doors or a porch at the front are not suitable. To determine how big a shed you can build look carefully at what is available and do not forget to allow space around the sides to allow you easy access to every part of it to carry out maintenance.

Consideration 3 " Where Should You Situate It?

Once you know how much space you have available and determined the size of your garden shed now you need to decide where it will be situated. For those who will be using theirs to store garden supplies and to do some garden work in then it should be located to allow you easy access to the garden. However, if you are going to be using yours as a home office then locate near to your home so that you can easily run electrical supplies to it.

Consideration 4 " Do You Want To Build It Yourself?

Although you can build the overlap garden shed yourself it can take some time to do. Generally the overlap garden sheds your purchase from garden sheds, DIY stores or online do come with instructions on how to build. However, if you have not undertaken a project like this before you may not build it correctly and so it may fall apart more quickly than you would have liked. Therefore it may be worth your while employing a professional to carry out the construction of your shed for you instead. Yes it will cost money but you will be ensuring that the construction has been carried out correctly and then your shed will last for years to come.

Consideration 5 " How Much Can You Afford To Spend?

The main reason for people choosing to build overlap garden sheds over the other types available is the cost. These are relatively inexpensive to buy and they are manufactured in such a way that constructing is very simple indeed. In most cases the exterior walls will have been attached to the frame of the shed and all you need to do is attach the sides, front, back and roof to each other. - 30228

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Choosing The Best Lawn Mower

By Kevin Young

After years of saving, you have came up with enough down payment that you can finally afford to move from that downtown apartment to the suburbs. You finally get everything unpacked and the inside of the house is looking great. You walk outside into your own yard where the trees, shrubs and flowers are looking great and think to yourself, wow, management sure needs to do something about the grass. It is really getting over grown, when suddenly you realize that you are management and you need a lawn mower.

There are several types of lawn mowers available and what you choose depends on where you live.

If you have a small lawn, you may find that a push mower that has no power other than what you supply does great. These lawn mowers have the advantage of actually cutting the lawn with a scissor action and help to avoid the brown tips at the ends of the blades of grass. One disadvantage is that mowing must be done regularly as these mowers do not do well in tall grass.

For a somewhat larger lawn, you could choose a lawn mower with a gasoline engine. They take less energy to push and do a good job at cutting grass. Most have a pull rope for starting which is sometime a problem for people who lack the proper strength to start the mower.

Push type gasoline mowers come in different cutting widths generally from eighteen to twenty-two inches. The smaller mowers are easier to push while the larger ones make mowing the lawn quicker.

Self-propelled mowers make even less work out of the job of mowing grass. The propulsion for these mowers is powered by the same engine that cuts the grass. Operators walk behind the unit to steer the mower.

Some subdivisions have rules regarding the use of gasoline mowers and due to the noise level that they produce require residents to choose electric mowers. Electric mowers are lighter in weight and much quieter to operate than gasoline mowers. In addition, the operator does not have to use a pull rope to start the mower. Once it is plugged in, just turn on the switch and the mower is working. The major disadvantage is that they have to have a long extension cord to operate. If you are using an electric mower, be sure that you do not mow over the cord.

For larger lawns, you may choose a riding lawn mower. Riding mowers often cut a thirty six to fifty inch swath each pass. They leave the lawn with a very smooth appearance that is not always possible with other mowers. In addition, riding mowers may be used to pull small trailers to carry other landscaping materials. Riding mowers are the most expensive of the mowers.

Since you are now a homeowner with a lawn to care for, you need to be sure that you purchase the correct lawn mower. If you get the correct mower, mowing the lawn does not have to be a chore but can become a part of the joy of owning your own home. You can take pride in the lawn that you take care of by yourself. - 30228

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Camping in the White Desert of Egypt

By Dave Bouskill

The Pyramids of Giza, The Luxor Temple, Abu Simbel and the Valley of the Kings, all of these attractions are at the top of everyone's must see list in Egypt, but very few manage to find the time to hop in a 4X4 jeep and discover the remote destination of The White Desert. For one thing a trip to the center of the country must be far too expensive, time consuming and difficult to plan.

You can see the White Desert on a 3 day trip from Cairo. Book it from the place you are staying or head to the Dahab Hostel downtown where you will find a great deal. For less than $30 per day, you will receive transportation, accommodation, meals and excursions during your trip to the White Desert. The highlight of the safari comes on the first night when you sleep under the stars in the middle of the desert in an authentic Bedouin camp.

In 5 short hours you will find yourself transformed from the hustle and bustle of Cairo to the desert town of Bahariya. This is where all tours begin. After being picked up by your guide, it won't be long until you are ready to go out and explore the vast Sahara Desert. But not before your bellies are filled and you are properly hydrated.

A traditional Bedoin meal consisting of rice, pita and sweet tea awaits you. Delicious. Not a lot of time to settle in though, because within the hour, you are back on the road to head to the main attraction.

Don't be surprised if you are asked to buy a Bedouin Scarf. It is a good idea to accept, although there is no pressure. It is just a very good item to have in the desert. It keeps you warm at night being able to wrap it around your head and neck and keeps the fine sand out of your nose and eyes during a wind storm.

Hopping into the back of a 4X4 jeep, gives a real sense of adventure. Bumping along the road in the intense heat surrounded by sand makes you fell as though you are in an Indiana Jones Movie. It is not long until you enter The Black Desert, a nice prelude to the forthcoming White Desert. Climbing a high peak you will overlook an amazing desert vista. Black pebbles caused by erosion blowing in from the mountains cover the entire land, turning it to an ominous dark shade.

You will have to go through a couple of check points en route to the white desert, but they don't ask you for anything. Being out in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a guard booth makes you feel like a true adventurer and it isn't long until you finally enter the star attraction.

Words can not do justice to the giant white formations that stand magestically in the middle of this barren land. You will be camping right in the middle of pure chalky white sand structures shaped as mushrooms, birds, and camels. It feels as if you are standing on another planet. Formed by mother nature through erosion, these chalk rocks are solid enough to walk upon.

As you explore the land, true Bedouins set up your camp. It feels as if you have stepped back in time as they set up colorful thick blankets to be used as walls. The front of the camp is left open to the fire and the three walls remain roofless leaving you a view of the clear desert sky.

Day two starts with a hearty breakfast and then it is back to Bahariya for an unforgettable 4X4 adventure through steep dunes. The ride is long and full of excitement as people are tossed about hitting heads on the roof, but laughing through the entire drive. The hot springs are a welcome change to the high-energy thrill ride. The day ends with a hike up to a high plateau for one final look at the desert landscape and to take in that final view of the mythical Sahara Desert.

It may not be the most popular trip on an Egyptian itinerary, but it is certainly the most thrilling and spectacular, giving unique memories that will rival any adventure that you will experience in your life. - 30228

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Farming and Agricultural Careers Rely Depend On Quality Fencing To Keep Their Animals and Crops Safe

By Connor Sullivan

Certain kinds of jobs need specific things for it to operate smoothly and run well. One such example is the career of a farmer and all of the different equipment they need to stay on top of their business. For example a Richardson fence or Plano fences are needed to keep livestock such as hogs and pigs or even cattle from getting away . If you have an agricultural or produce farm that grows crops of food , a different kind of a fence Plano TX may be needed to keep the crops apart frome ach other . And finally, if you have an equestrian farm and train horses, fences are imperative to keep the horses put in specific sections of the ring or stable.

Farmers that raise livestock like hogs or cattle for a living need large structures to keep the animals in specific areas . Their barns also must have various kinds of fencing depending where it is on the farm. For instance , out in the pasture, usually barbed wire fencing is used to keep the animals from breaking through the fence since they are so big and strong . Closer to the farm, aluminum or steel barrier type of fencing is used to corral the animals in places to eat, rest , etc. Without the different kinds of fences, farmers could not hold onto their animals and would have to build more expensive buildings to house all of them which would be too costly .

The other type of farmer that deals mainly in food and crops must have fences to not to keep their animals in but instead to keep stray animals out from not eating all of their crops. This is particularly true for the farmers that are organic and do not use any type of pesticides or spray to deter bugs and animals off of their crops. Good fencing is the best to do this. Depending on the type of crop, farmers use various fencing to protect their livelihood because if their crops get destroyed , so is their future livelihood and money that they need to make .

The final kind of agricultural job that requires fences so to make it work more efficiently is that of a equestrian farm. Some people that own horse farms also train and board other owners horses . Fencing for this kind of structure is obviously imperative to keep the horses safe in addition to keeping some horses away from each other . Similar to people, not all horses get along . Some horse farms favor the white wooden fencing while others use a combination of wood and metal . This typically changes by region of the country and what is popular there.

Whatever kind of farm you may see from the east coast to the west coast , you will see some sort of fence on it and around it. They are essential parts of a farm's design and serve many different purposes. - 30228

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Should You Repair Or Replace Your Old Garden Shed?

By John A Moore

Over time garden sheds need repair. I would say that a decent garden shed only has 12-16 years before it is in need of replacement or a good over-haul. The exception to this rule are perhaps garden sheds that were originally built like residential structures and treated the same over the years.

If you are in the position where you need to decide between fixing up your old shed, or building or buying a replacement, there are more factors that you have to consider than simply cost. A lot of times your shed size or design may no longer be suitable, in which case you will probably replace it. But in other circumstances, perhaps your shed, although old, is perfect for you and your house, and you will decide that fixing it is your best choice. You'll have to decide what the important factors are for you.

I had to answer these questions for two separate sheds this year - my own tiny falling down pine board lean to shed, and my mothers lovely large cottage style split roof design which had a severe water problem. My mothers shed was actually quite an easy decision. Her shed was quite large, so it would have been quite expensive to replace. Also, it didn't actually look in bad shape, except for the holes in the roof and floor. As it turns out, I got away pretty lucky. I did have to entirely replace both roofs, but thankfully there was vapour barrier between the plywood floor and the joists, so I only needed to put down a new plywood floor. The cost for materials was about $550.

My shed, although much smaller, was so far deteriorated that I almost couldn't imagine a repair job being worth the effort. On top of that, my partner and I had always wanted a bigger workshop sized shed, rather than the lean to tool storage shed that we had. Although we loved the look of lean-to and it suited our current needs, we considered an upgrade. A quick calculation put this idea way out of our current budget range, and I still had the basement workshop. So back to figuring out the pros and cons of a repair or replacement.

Our first step was to price out the cost of a building a replacement. We made a list of all of the material we would need and it came to $550 plus 13% tax. One of us a remembered seeing a really cute shed at 50% off in the same price range. We figured we might as well save the time and buy new if that was at all a possibility. After a bit of searching we learned that we could get a smaller ugly resin shed for $650 plus tax. The idea of buying new was shelved.

So we went back to our original price list, and decided that if we were building a replacement, maybe we could salvage the cute siding of the old one, and totally rebuild everything else. In fact, this ended up cutting our rebuild cost in half, since I saved some of the better studs from the old one as well. So we dismantled the old shed saving the board siding, framed in a new floor, set it up on bricks, built a new frame and roof, and re-sided with the original already antiqued board and batten siding. It turned out perfectly because we still have the character of the old shed we loved, but it is now square and watertight and will probably be with the house for another 10-20 years.

Both of these sheds required some thought as to whether repairing or replacing was the best solution, and in both cases we ended up saving the sheds, and saving money as well. In both these cases the sheds were already perfectly suited for their purposes, and they also had exactly the right character to match the century old homes they belonged to. In our case, repairing was the right solution, even though one was almost falling down, we still decided the pros outweighed the cons. You'll have to figure out what the important factors are in your decision before deciding whether your old shed will stay or be replaced. - 30228

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What's Important When It Come To Landscaping

By Victor Oz

Landscaping is usually carried out with the intention of instilling a more cozy touch into the home and can be done regardless of whether the home owner is single and living alone or has a large family.

Whether you want to layer your garden, re-do your frontyard or have a make over done for your backyard, landscaping is the perfect answer.

Having a home that is the envy of all and sundry is the ultimate goal of any home owner This is why landscaping is becoming so popular because it guarantees a home worthy of pride on the home owner's part and provokes jealousy on the part of the neigbours.

You need to know that sometimes, it is unimportant how long a company specializing in landscaping has been working because a few, inspite of their prolonged existence are totally unreliable; go for a landscaping company whose record speaks for itself.

If you reside in an area where there is no humidity and a lot of sun and you are interested in what type of plants will best suite your landscaping needs, you ought to consider plants or scrubs that thrive well in the sun and do not require much water to survive.

Most people who are thinking about enhancing the beauty of their front yards usually want a landscaping plan that does not demand a great deal of time or energy to look after and therefore patronize the services of landscaping professionals who come up with a plan that is suited to their needs.

Whether you want to layer your garden, re-do your frontyard or have a make over done for your backyard, landscaping is the perfect answer.

Bear in mind that home landscaping is no different from backyard landscaping, garden landscaping or frontyard landscaping; they all achieve the same thing and that is the beautification of a home through its environs.

You need to know that sometimes, it is unimportant how long a company specializing in landscaping has been working because a few, inspite of their prolonged existence are totally unreliable; go for a landscaping company whose record speaks for itself.

People landscape their homes for a multitude of reasons that may include the need to prop up a part of the backyards that is falling apart or simply the desire to add value to the home's worth; whatever reason you have for landscaping your home, you can be sure that there are various landscaping ideas that will cater for your needs. - 30228

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Struggling For Garden Landscaping Ideas? Here Are A Number Of Fantastic Ones

By April Kerr

Taking on the garden area at your home can be highly costly and time consuming. It is beyond doubt worth the time and effort when you think of how much tranquility you will have when you set outside and enjoy the space that you have created. The good news is that there are a plethora of excellent garden landscaping ideas available today.

The lines of the garden certainly make a difference. One great idea is to build in some gorgeous curvy lines to the outside edge of the garden. You can do this quite easily by digging a little shallow trench in a curved pattern along the outside of the garden. Insert a fancy fencing item into the trench and your curved pattern is whole. Then you just need to bring the soil out to the edge of the fence.

The next step would be to make a decision on what types of plants you would love to have in your garden. You possibly will plant your own fruits and veggies in the garden space and still make it highly stunning to look at. In the event that you wish a very efficient garden space and would like to grown your own food then this may be the right decision for you.

Some people prefer the look of a flower garden. If this suits you more than planting vegetables, take a trip to the local greenery and see what types of flowers are available. You should have a good idea as to if you want to replant every year or not. There are annual and perennial flowers available to you at the green house.

If you would prefer to plant your garden one time and let the flowers bloom year after year on their own then the perennials are the selection for you. These flowers will come back and the wonderful garden that you put the time and effort into now will come back as the seasons turn on their own.

An added great thought for a garden is to add some garden sculptures. A fantastically popular garden piece is the looking globe. These globes come in countless varied colors. They are large round balls manufactured of a reflective material that will make your garden really pop. You simply obtain a column for the ball to rest on and the look is whole.

In the event that you take pleasure in the garden gnomes or further kinds of statues, you can also find them in countless different designs. They come in the form of small children and even animals. You can even install a water feature in your garden. These will all make your garden stand out.

If having a great garden is what you have always dreamed of, it can happen with the right design. There are quite a lot of garden landscaping suggestions available and you are sure to come across one that suits you. Your personal expression will be portrayed in the garden at your house so have fun with it! - 30228

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How To Improve Your Home With Landscape Lighting

By Thomas Fryd

Landscape lighting is a design trend that has recently gained popularity. One explanation for this popularity is that landscape lighting has the ability to increases your property's value, by preventing nighttime theft and vandalism. Another is that using lighting at night, you can create an outdoor landscape for safe evening entertainment and you are able to extend the use and beauty of your gardens into the post sun down hours. During hot summer nights, it is a great joy to be able to escape the heat of the house and relax in your well lit garden or outdoor entertainment area.

It is without doubt that landscaping increases your homes value. Many homeowners are willing to pay professionals thousands of dollars to haul in rocks and create dramatic garden features but often overlook the power of light. Light has asmost magical properties in an outdoor setting at night. Lighting gives you the ability to highlight the best features of your gardens, flowerbeds and other landscape features at all hours, allowing you the best return on your significant investment.

Landscape lighting can also provide safer walkways, resulting in less chance of a slip and fall claim against your home insurance. It can also personally save you or your loved ones the pain of a nasty fall or other form of injury! Some reputable insurance companies offer a discount or reduction on your insurance premiums depending upon the type of landscape lighting you choose as it may be considered as a deterrent against theft and burglary.

Good lighting such as Malibu lights can also offer you that added sense of security; well illuminated residential areas are less likely to attract burglars and vandals. When you arrive home late at night, the welcome of a well lit entry is also comforting.

If you ever decide to sell your home, your landscape lighting investment will be of benefit twice over, as not only have you been able to take advantage of your beautiful lighting at night as it highlights your walkways, gardens, and flowerbeds and allows you to entertain outdoors well after sunset, but you will also be able to pass on that beauty and those advantages to your home's new owner. The fact that your efforts with regards to night time lighting have extended the use of your home's entertainment area and built in a safety factor will go a long way towards improving your chances of obtaining the best price for your home. That is something that all home owners should find attractive! - 30228

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Trends In Outdoor Landscape Lighting

By Thomas Fryd

Landscape lighting is a design trend that has recently gained popularity. One explanation for this popularity is that landscape lighting has the ability to increases your property's value, by preventing nighttime theft and vandalism. Another is that using lighting at night, you can create an outdoor landscape for safe evening entertainment and you are able to extend the use and beauty of your gardens into the post sun down hours. During hot summer nights, it is a great joy to be able to escape the heat of the house and relax in your well lit garden or outdoor entertainment area.

It is without doubt that landscaping increases your homes value. Many homeowners are willing to pay professionals thousands of dollars to haul in rocks and create dramatic garden features but often overlook the power of light. Light has asmost magical properties in an outdoor setting at night. Lighting gives you the ability to highlight the best features of your gardens, flowerbeds and other landscape features at all hours, allowing you the best return on your significant investment.

Landscape lighting can also provide safer walkways, resulting in less chance of a slip and fall claim against your home insurance. It can also personally save you or your loved ones the pain of a nasty fall or other form of injury! Some reputable insurance companies offer a discount or reduction on your insurance premiums depending upon the type of landscape lighting you choose as it may be considered as a deterrent against theft and burglary.

Good lighting such as Malibu lights can also offer you that added sense of security; well illuminated residential areas are less likely to attract burglars and vandals. When you arrive home late at night, the welcome of a well lit entry is also comforting.

If you ever decide to sell your home, your landscape lighting investment will be of benefit twice over, as not only have you been able to take advantage of your beautiful lighting at night as it highlights your walkways, gardens, and flowerbeds and allows you to entertain outdoors well after sunset, but you will also be able to pass on that beauty and those advantages to your home's new owner. The fact that your efforts with regards to night time lighting have extended the use of your home's entertainment area and built in a safety factor will go a long way towards improving your chances of obtaining the best price for your home. That is something that all home owners should find attractive! - 30228

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By Spencer Wilkins

Rather than employing the services of a builder to construct sheds in their gardens, today people prefer to do the work themselves. This is because there are plenty of easy to assemble shed kits that they can use and will cost them a fraction of the price of employing someone else to do the work for them. Such kits can either be purchased from a local DIY Store or Garden Center or by getting one at the many websites offering such items online.

As you begin your search for the ideal shed kit for your home, you will find that are many different styles, shapes and sizes to choose from. There are ones that have been specifically designed to allow you to store all your garden equipment in, whilst others have been designed to be used as a play or an extra room outside the home.

Along with the various different designs of sheds to choose from, they are also being made from a wide variety of different materials as well. If you want something elegant in your garden then go for one that is made from wood. However, if you want something that is going to be easy to maintain then those made from PVC Vinyl or metal are the perfect solution. Plus those that are made from wood are often much more expensive not only to buy but also to maintain as well.

Just by going online, you will soon be able to see the various different types of sheds available and which of these is going to meet your own particular requirements. However, it is important that you take a number of things into consideration before you make your purchase and below we look at what some of these are.

First of all, you need to clarify with your local authority if you have to obtain building approval before erecting the shed you have chosen. Although most sheds do not need such approval there are some, depending upon their size and the material from which they are constructed which means approval needs to be sought first.

Secondly, you need to ensure that you have the right sort of equipment to actually build the shed. In most cases, you will find that many kits have all the right materials in order for you to build them, but you will need to have some other tools such as screwdrivers and hammers as well.

Also, you need to decide what kind of base the shed is actually going to be standing on. Most people prefer to have a concrete base as the foundation for their shed. If you are going to go down this route then you need to budget in the cost of either laying the base yourself or getting someone else to lay the base for you.

Finally, before you actually start constructing your sheds you should first read through the instructions that are provided with it carefully. Also, it is a good idea to lay out everything to ensure that you have all the necessary parts and can complete the build easily and efficiently. - 30228

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