Before you start putting a plant in the ground to create your dream landscape you need to do some studying, you should begin to sharpen your critical eye. When passing a neighbor's garden, look it over. Criticize it, get critical and decide how you would improve its landscape, you will soon shine new light of the design principles you learn from just looking with a critical eye and asking - how can I improve this.ed. (Do not rush in to tell the neighbor they might resent it. )
This is good exercise for the mind. While you do it, you will become familiar with the good and bad points of garden arrangements as they actually appear. In this way you will build a mental storehouse of gardening ideas on which you can call when designing your own property.
Plot Plan
Once you have pulled some ideas together it is time to begin putting together your plot plan. Now you will have to sit down and begin to draw a plan of your property.
You do not have to be an artist to make an accurate plan. The two essentials are: careful measurement of your plot and of the buildings on it, and an accurate scaling down of these measurements; secondly, exact placement of the dots which represent the centers of the plants precisely where you want them to be. Parenthetically, we, might stress again that you should save money by avoiding overcrowding. This is the easiest mistake for you to make; indeed, it is the most common error of professionals.
Do Not Copy
You have been warned - Do Not slavishly imitate your neighbors' gardens. The idea is to pull from others - inspiration - take your ideas and improvements to create your own blueprint for what you will do to your garden. As for me, i prefer to have air cleaning plants to be unique. Carbon copies of neighbors ideas and gardens are the last thing you want as the result of your effort.
Our hope is to give you the necessary tools for planning and executing a fine garden. If you follow the approach outlined above, you will be able to think clearly about your property. You will regard it as a personal challenge. The information you have acquired will provide weapons that will help you to meet the challenge and to make an individual, unique setting for your home. - 30228
This is good exercise for the mind. While you do it, you will become familiar with the good and bad points of garden arrangements as they actually appear. In this way you will build a mental storehouse of gardening ideas on which you can call when designing your own property.
Plot Plan
Once you have pulled some ideas together it is time to begin putting together your plot plan. Now you will have to sit down and begin to draw a plan of your property.
You do not have to be an artist to make an accurate plan. The two essentials are: careful measurement of your plot and of the buildings on it, and an accurate scaling down of these measurements; secondly, exact placement of the dots which represent the centers of the plants precisely where you want them to be. Parenthetically, we, might stress again that you should save money by avoiding overcrowding. This is the easiest mistake for you to make; indeed, it is the most common error of professionals.
Do Not Copy
You have been warned - Do Not slavishly imitate your neighbors' gardens. The idea is to pull from others - inspiration - take your ideas and improvements to create your own blueprint for what you will do to your garden. As for me, i prefer to have air cleaning plants to be unique. Carbon copies of neighbors ideas and gardens are the last thing you want as the result of your effort.
Our hope is to give you the necessary tools for planning and executing a fine garden. If you follow the approach outlined above, you will be able to think clearly about your property. You will regard it as a personal challenge. The information you have acquired will provide weapons that will help you to meet the challenge and to make an individual, unique setting for your home. - 30228
About the Author:
Keith Markensen frequently contributes to Ready to roll back the confusion air cleaning plants.